
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Kitchen Re-do on a Budget

For those of you who are working on a budget and just want to make your kitchen look some what Nice for now until you can afford that dream Kitchen you have always been wanting ...I have a simple solution..PAINT!
My Husband and I plan on redoing our kitchen in a few years and I mean a major renovation but I just got tired of looking at those ugly blue and white cabinets

I Tried to fix it by changing up the color and Painting the doors a light cream color....

I then change my mind once again and needed some more color so I change the frame of the 
cabinets to a Yellow this stage I think my Husband thought I was Crazy LOL! But I just love COLOR.... 

I even thought I would Get creative and Paint an Apple Mural on the wall since My Kitchen theme was APPLES 

My Kitchen Stayed like this for a while and then one day ..Yes You guessed it..LOL! I decided that I didn't like the Yellow anymore and the horrid White ceramic tile that half of them where missing as you can see in this picture.... 

So This is what I did when my Husband went out of town to a baseball game I decided to go WHITE and got rid of that Apple mural and went with a Red Barn wood look on the one wall...  and a tan color on the rest of the walls.

I then added the drawer and cabinet hardware... 
I went with Brushed Nickle Handles for all the Drawers and Grey with nickle centers on the knobs. 

The Tile on the Back slash is Paint.....since we are going to redo the kitchen in a few years I didn't want to have to rip down Ceramic So I came up with this idea... Why not just paint it on there for now... and it was so much cheaper because I used  Left over paint that I had left over from other projects so it didn't cost me any money at all... My Kind of Makeover ..:)


When My Husband Came Home He was shocked and I actually fooled him with the tile back splash he thought it was real tile...I since have done my sister-in-laws kitchen and she loves hers too..:)

Here is how I did the Back Slash
at my Sister-in-Laws

STEP 1....
Prime and Paint the Back Splash the color that you want the Grout color to be and let it Dry completely... Once it is Dry Get some BLUE Painters Tape ...( I used about a 1/4 inch thick tape ) and Lay out your design on the wall...I used straight lines on my own wall and I used the Brick like style on My Sister-in-Laws wall shown below....

STEP 2....
Once you have your design layed out it's time for the paint... I wanted it to look like Slate Tile so I used 3 to 4 different colors to get the affect I was looking for... I used paper plates to pour a little of each color onto. I then Used a worn out paint brush that was thick and matted on the end and a sea sponge and dabbed away all over the entire surface of the wall covering the painters tape, until I got the desired look I needed for it to look like slate...

STEP 3....
Before your paint dries completely, remove the painters tape... The reason I don't let the paint dry fully is because I found that some of the paint will pull away with the tape... But never fear if this does happen it can be touched up later....
As You can see I Cheated a little on a step and didn't Tape off the bottom of the cabinets so as I was going crazy with all the paint dabbing I kinda got a little on the trim of the Cabinets... But it was all OK cause I had plenty of white paint left to touch it up...OOOOPS!

After this step has dried I mixed a color that was just a little darker than the grout color  and used a small detail brush to give the grout a shadowed look so it actually looks like the grout is sunken in and makes the tiles pop out to give it a more realistic appearance...

I let the wall Dry for a day and then the next day went over the entire surface with a clear coat to seal the surface so it could be wiped down and cleaned...
And there you have it Your brand new tiled Back Splash all done with paint...

I forgot to take some Before picks of what it looked like but I was going through some old pics and found this one of the cabinets and what they looked like before I primed and painted them...
Here They Are!

.... It looks so much better now Don't you think?

Hope You enjoyed My Tutorial and please feel free to comment.. Happy Tiling... OOOPS! I meant Happy Painting LOL! CHEERS!


Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. This looks awesome! Kudos to you on saving so much! We're buying our first home from a family member and I have big plans for the kitchen starting with painting the cabinets. Definitely will have to contemplate your back splash idea =)

    1. Thank You Kristin, I didn't realize how easy this was until I attempted it, Now I have all My friends wanting me to do it LOL!... I'd Love to see your Before and After Pictures when You are Done.. Have Fun! and Cheers! ;)

  2. I love it!!!! Have to try it! Getting ready to paint cabients any hints to make the job easyer?

    1. Hi Thanks for stopping By..:) The only hint that I could give is that I removed all the hardware then I gave the cabinets a light sanding with a fine sand paper then after I primed them I used a foam roller and gave the cabinets 2 coats of paint... Using a foam roller gives the cabinets a smoother look... I tried using a paint brush but it tends to make it look a little streaky... I also used a semi Gloss paint for easy cleaning with just soap and water..;) Hope this helped Cheers! Tania..;)♥

  3. Hey Tania...this is so cool. Am sending it to my friend who wants subway tile in her kitchen, but her hubs doesn't. Maybe this can keep her until she finally wins him over.Nicely done!

    1. Thank You Bernice♥ and Glad you had a chance to come over to my Blog and Visit... See you on the Rosie's Page ♥♥♥...:^)

  4. You have some crazy mad skills!!

  5. That is beautiful! Can I ask, how did you get the barn wood effect on your wall? Thanks, Janet Flannery

    1. Hi Janet,
      Thank You for your kind comment...
      I used left over paint that My Mother in Law had left over from when she painted some walls in her home...
      The base color was MAROON... which I gave the wall 2 coats of to give it an even coverage and let fully dry....Then I used an old paint brush and a sheet of Cardboard and dipped the end of the paint brush just slightly in some BLACK Paint (try not to get too much on the brush in this step) then I wiped most of the paint off on to the cardboard leaving the brush almost Dry...Then I lightly Brushed((( This method is called DRY BRUSHING))))The black paint over the MAROON to get a grainy look.... after I had the look I wanted here I took the last color GOLD and used the same method as the Black by dry brushing it over the other 2 colors.... You Just have to play around with the last 2 colors to get that barn look affect... There is No right or wrong in this part its just get the look that you want that suits you and you can't go Wrong... Hope this Helps... Have Fun with it and ENJOY the END RESULTS
      Oh Just one more thing...(The Gold was not a yellow shade of Gold it was more of a darker tan brown tone of Gold, I'm Not sure what COLOR SWAT it came from because I did not purchase it my MIL did... but It Does Say "DO IT BEST" on the outside of the paint Can)
      Cheers! and Thank You
      Tania :^)♥

  6. You actually painted over the ceramic tiles? I have tiles up that my husband does not want to take down & am looking for ideas to replace the yellow tiles.

    Karen from Buffalo

    1. Hi Karen,
      No I took the tiles down... If you notice in the first picture at the beginning of the post (the one with the BLUE Cabinets) you can see the white 4" tiles just under the cabinets that don't go all the way across and some are missing....I popped them off the wall since half of them were coming off and sanded a little... The Surface I painted on was what was already there which is Just thin Paneling... I have seen them do the same thing over Tile but You would have to remove the shine and glaze to allow the paint to stick to the surface...Here Is a good Site to guide you through it....
      Hope this helps!
      Cheers! Tania..:)

  7. Great job! Most us...have to do Make Do make overs! I love HGTV, but how many people really have $30,000 to redo a kitchen. We bought a second home over in AR and I painted the kitchen cabinets and changed the hardware out. It made it liveable....until. I would love it, if you would follow me back.

  8. Tania, you are a creative genius! I have just become a huge fan. Keep up the great inspiration!
